Tuesday 2 March 2010

Welcome One, Welcome All

Quick intro
This is a blog about London, the people of London, the sights in London, the food of London and whether working down here is all its really cracked up to be.  (Well, maybe other places I go as well - updated 5th October 2010)

Why do it?
No its not a dig at the Nike commercial, but an explanation of why I will write this blog...  I have been down here for just over 12 months as of the date of this blog post, and I have sampled the a small part of the life down here; from the highs of wining and dining in some of the best restaurants and night clubs, through to the desparation at the homeless situation. Moments of self-vindication and times of utter loneliness. This is going to be a frank assessment of our proud capital city and how it affects those that choose, or are forced to live and work here.

Will you have the time?
Who really knows but as I work down here on my own, with my family at the other side of the country, I would like to think I will post regulary, however it is morelikely to be infrequent.  Some may be short, some will have photos, but they will not be a calculated and processed view in order to elicit an emotional response.  It it going to be truthful, it may well be brutal, but that is how London is.

Who are you?
Just another 'Joe Normal', you proably walk past me or somone like me, every day of yor life.  But you wont know it, one of the problems with London is that everyone lives in a 1m square box, and no one is allowed to intrude.  You walk with your head down, you don't want anyone to bother you, and you ignore those things that you find disturbing.  You want to get back to the safety of your home, you miss the great opportunitites that London has to offer you.  Most people who live and work in London haven't visited a quarter of the free monuments, museums, building and sights that are right in front of you every day.  I don't think this blog will neccessarily change any of that, but perhaps you will be come more aware.

Why London?
Why not.  I am here, I have time, and I see things most people miss.  People would rather ride the bus than walk 2 minutes more, as an example, my walk this morning took in Soutwark Catherdral, The Golden Hinde, Shakespeare's Globe, Millenium Bridge, Saint Paul's Cathedral, the Old Bailey and Smithfields Meat Market, with several more in between - however this will no doubt form one of my forthcoming posts.

Take time, you can afford 5 minutes extra, no matter how busy you believe yourself to be, look around, take time, walk. That 5 minutes might make a bigger difference than you think.



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