Wednesday 3 March 2010

Train Chaos

Love it, hate it
You know the best thing about living in and around London is the great public transport network.  You know the worst thing about lioving in London is the public transport network.  I know, I know I can't have it both ways, but bear with me.  London is supremely connected, and moves millions of people around its roads and rails every day, and this can't be denied.  However it also pays scant regard to how it affects peoples lives when it goes wrong.

Take this morning.  I had a meticulously planned out route to get me to London City Airport, to fly to Korea for a meeting.  However when I got to teh starting block I found out that the pivotal point for the journey - London Bridge - was not going to be stopped at by my train this morning...

No alternatives were offered, no advice on how to get there from whatever station I was going to end up at.  Nothing.

I know these things happen, but to just assume that everyone is OK with the situation, and will find their own way across is a little presumptious.  Of the small number of travellers that were getting on the train at that point, most were going to London Bridge.  However staff seemed to know little about what was going on, and care even less.

Compare this to the fabuous little Wrexham & Shropshire Railway that I come down to London on each week.  If there is ever a problem, someone comes through the train to explain what is going on, what is being done about it, and how they can help.  It doesn't take much, and the greatful thanks of the commuters goes a long way to cementing the reputation of a travel company.

Come on Boris, your guys can do better than this, surely!

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